Git - Version Control
A must-have tool for every computer engineer, developer, or really anyone who writes text documents regularly.
Git is a set of tools that help you track the changes you make to your text files. Git helps you collaborate with others by keeping track of who did what, as well as guiding you in merging your different versions of files. Git lets you be fearless when changing your code, safe in the knowledge that previous versions of your code are easy to access.
Git is something you will have to use during both your studies and later during your professional career. In project courses, the bachelor's and master's theses it is almost always a requirement. And in nearly every course you will have assignments where collaboration will be far easier if you and your lab partner know and use Git. In addition to this, Git is one of the most used tools in the industry. A true industry standard, you will not find a job after your education that does not require it!
In this tutorial, we will guide you through setting up the necessary software and accounts for a modern Git experience. We will introduce you to the basic concepts of version control. Finally, we will show a basic workflow for collaboration with Git in the typical programming assignments you will encounter during your studies.
We do not yet assume that you are comfortable in the terminal, and will strongly advise using the graphical program GitKraken to handle your git needs. This is an excellent tool that helps to pedagogically visualize the version control concepts. With experience, most users of Git prefer to use the terminal commands. If you are comfortable in the terminal or would prefer to learn that way right away, look no further than this tutorial