
Exams are held thrice a year for each obligatory course, usually organized as follows. First in the exam period following the course, then once more in the re-exam period of the following period. All courses have re-exams in August as well. To find exact dates you can search here.

The rules for courses and examination are found here.

Some general advice not found on Chalmers website can be found below.

Preparing for an exam

Aside from reviewing the material from class you might also be interested in looking at old exams. Old exams and solutions can be found through several channels.

  • The examiner should provide some example exams on the canvas page.
  • You can email the student expedition and ask for old exams and solutions. Every department has their own expedition but most exams relating to computer science can be requested from student_office.cse@chalmers.se. Please keep in mind that their response time might be over a week.

During the exam

As a student, you have certain rights and obligations which you should be aware of. The exam guards do not always know the regulations and it is therefore important for you to be informed of your rights. You can find the

  • You do not need to bring your student ID, but you do need to bring a normal photo ID
  • If you are suspected of cheating you may still complete your exam! The guards are not allowed to stop you and any such attempts should be reported.
  • Should something go wrong, then you will be given extra time to compensate.

After the exam

The examiner must post solutions to the exam by the next working day and the results should be posted on Ladok within 15 working days.

If you feel that some of your rights have been violated or that something else has gone wrong, please contact your student board. They will know how to fix any problem related to your exams.

  • TKDAT: dns@dtek.se
  • TKITE: snit@chalmers.it
  • N1COS: studienamnd@dvet.se